Monday 18 February 2013


Daria is an animated High School Dramedy about a waifish, sardonic teen girl with coke-bottle glasses, army boots, and absolutely no patience for the idiocy around her (she used to have Beavis And Butthead for classmates, can you blame her?).

Most of the humor is derived from Daria and her friend Jane's conflicts with the collection of twisted teenage archetypes (and often the adults) around them. The last two seasons departed from the Reset Button to create a powerful Story Arc of Daria and her friends coming of age. The show's strong use of Character Development became a major draw on a network loaded with more superficial programming. A major part of it is Daria eventually falling for a Tall, Dark and Snarky boy, Tom Sloane, who is worthy of her and struggling to deal with romantic activities she previously rejected.